Dental tricks and splints mouth guards dental clinic city of London

Dental advices and dental implants city of London? Straightening your teeth has a positive impact on both your appearance and self-confidence. It can also improve the health of teeth that are overcrowded and difficult to maintain. Invisalign uses a series of clear, removable aligners to discreetly straighten your teeth. As each aligner is replaced by a new one, your teeth will move gently into the position prescribed by your dentist.A Platinum Invisalign provider. We are proud to be awarded Platinum Invisalign provider status. Our team are experienced in dealing with a range of cases from simple to complex crowding. As an experienced Invisalign Platinum provider we understand your needs and ensure the best planning and care for your treatment. Our Principal Cath Freestone has been awarded a Post Graduate Diploma in Aligner Therapy. She is one of the first clinicians to graduate with this qualification that focuses on planning and providing Invisalign care to a high standard.

Encourage drinking milk. Milk can help build strong teeth by restoring calcium. If your child has a dairy allergy, look for calcium-fortified alternatives like almond, oat, or soy. Choose tooth-friendly snacks. The fiber in healthy snacks like apples and carrots helps to break up plaque and stimulate saliva production. Eating a fresh, juicy apple for an afternoon snack can be almost as effective as brushing. Although it’s a natural reflex, thumbsucking can seriously damage your child’s teeth. It’s important to break the habit before their permanent teeth start to emerge.

Watch Out for Sweet Medicine: Children’s medications can be flavored and sugary. If they stick on the teeth, the chance of cavities goes up. Children on medications for chronic conditions such as asthma and heart problems often have a higher decay rate.

During the second appointment, the temporary crown will be removed, and the porcelain crown fitted and bonded to your tooth. A dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is placed into your jaw where a tooth is missing. Implants can either be placed for a single tooth or for several missing teeth. Once an implant is in place a crown is fitted to the top. Every implant needs a crown to provide a complete tooth replacement. Dental implant alternatives: One alternative to implants is dentures but most people find implants far easier to maintain, as they can be cared for in the same way as natural teeth. Another dental implant alternative is a dental bridge, which relies on surrounding teeth for support. Dental bridges provide aesthetically pleasing results but leave supporting teeth vulnerable once they have been reduced in size to fit the bridge. See extra info home whitening city of London.

Encourage Your Kid to Dance or Sing While They Brush: Kids love music and dancing. You can include music in your brushing routines to make the moment fun and exciting. You can use their favourite song to make them love brushing time. Allow your child to dance a bit while brushing their teeth to keep it fun for them. They can even sing along with the tune as they brush. Creating a rewards chart is another way to encourage a healthy oral routine in your child. You can reward your child for accomplishments like brushing every day for a week, accumulating 60 minutes of brushing time, flossing by themselves, and remembering to brush their tongue. With these fun methods your child will learn to see dental hygiene as an enjoyable thing. By allowing them to feel a sense of responsibility and accomplishment you’ll encourage them to follow a dental care routine with enthusiasm.

Here are some tips to help keep your child’s teeth healthy and strong starting at age 3: Use a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste and make sure your child spits it out after brushing, Be sure your child brushes for at least 2 minutes twice a day, Start flossing as soon as teeth touch, or even earlier to help build good habits. Help your child brush and floss, and remind him or her to pay attention to the back teeth. Visit the dentist every 6 months.

Our hygienists have had additional training to be able to offer complex treatment when required. This usually involves treatment with local anaesthetic and multiple visits to be able to clean an area thoroughly. Care plans for this are on a individual basis and either your Smile Hub Dentist or Hygienist would advise if this is recommended. Consistent dental hygiene is the key to a healthy mouth and a confident smile. Our hygiene experts understand that most dental problems can be easily prevented through a regular program of hygiene checks, advice and daily control. If you have ever experienced bad breath, tooth decay or gum disease, the most likely cause of these is bacterial plaque, which can be controlled by effective dental hygiene. Read additional details