Top dog leash online shopping

Premium dog leash online store? Many dog owners encounter an interesting and perplexing problem when walking their dogs on a leash. They likely know their four-legged furry buddy to be the kindest, gentlest soul on the planet when with their owners, being great with kids, other animals in the home, and very calm and friendly when meeting new people. That is why it is so surprising when their dogs react aggressively towards other dogs during walks on a leash when another dog is in sight. The most interesting thing is that if walking around people or even other dogs when unleashed, the same dog is perfectly docile or playful. This phenomenon is actually quite common, even common enough to be monikered “leash aggression.”

If the dog is experiencing shaking or is trembling a lot, it is unlikely due to it being cold. Dog’s bodies are well equipped to handle various temperature levels, but persistent trembling can be a sign of kidney issues, pancreatitis, or even poisoning. Dogs get into things they shouldn’t frequently, and like the experiment with what they eat. Of course, consumption of compost, chocolate, or any number of other toxins to a dog’s body could produce severe muscle spasms. Don’t shrug these off. If these are noticed, the dog really needs to be seen by a vet.

Holidays are a time to spend with family and our pets are doubtlessly members of our families. Many pet owners therefore like finding fun ways to incorporate pets into holiday activities or even preparing activities specifically designed for our pets. It’s a time to laugh, share the goings on in our lives, and remember how nice it is to spend time with our special people, but our special animal friends have other ways that they can be made to feel special, important, and loved. During the holidays we purchase gifts for our pets and include them in holiday photos, but many owners want to find ways beyond the things they would have done regardless of their pets to do in order to make the animal members of their family feel like there is something dedicated to them. For those pet-parents who want to have some ideas for something special, we put together a list of 7 fun ways to celebrate the holidays with your pets. See additional information at dog leash online shopping.

As Moby once said, “Dogs have boundless enthusiasm but no sense of shame. I should have a dog as a life coach.” So, if dogs were our life coach, what are some of the things we could learn from them that would help us lead a fuller life? Do you think dogs are ever running through their endless to-do lists in their heads? Think they’re overwhelmed with all of the things they have to do that day or even that week? That they keep replaying that simple comment they made to a friend about their new outfit that wasn’t overly flattering on them? Nope. Most times, dogs are only overwhelmed when there are too many new smells at one time. And even then, the only thing they’re thinking about, is the now.

Every venture has an origin, and PetPonia is no different. Back in 2015, I encountered and fell in love with a beautiful pup in a local shelter. She was all sorts of ‘pawesome’ and stole my heart from the get-go! Her unconditional love was my driving inspiration to start helping rescue dogs and rescue operations as much as I could. In my efforts to assist, PetPonia was born. PetPonia’s mission has, from its very onset, been to offer dog owners high-quality products for their beloved four-legged counterparts, while promoting the adoption of rescue dogs and assisting animal organizations. How much help we can offer these great efforts is unlimited, especially with your help! While your pup enjoys the products you purchased from us, you will know that every purchase made is helping a rescue dog find their forever home. Read additional info at