Accredited high quality TEFL courses in Spain

Accredited top quality TEFL classes in Madrid, Spain? TEFL Madrid Academy offers a great TEFL course with instructors who are all highly qualified and experienced. We also offer pre-enrollment counseling to our potential students. Teaching jobs in Madrid: The TEFL Madrid Academy’s course will prepare you to teach a variety of classes and students. We also offer job search guidance and believe in personalized customer service for all of our students, as well as our graduates. When you teach English in Spain, you help mold individuals to become better professionals or business owners within the country and abroad. Get on your way with a TEFL certification: We at the TEFL Madrid Academy are committed to guiding our prospective students through every step of preparing to work abroad.

Even though you’ve most likely spent a solid decade if not two in school, teaching isn’t so obvious. It’s not as easy as it looks. Teaching takes intelligence, tactics, and intuition. It calls for a hefty amount of planning and organisation, too. Another benefit of having a TEFL certificate is that you will be more prepared to take on a classroom of students. You’ll have plenty of tools and tricks up your sleeves to help you deliver lessons or lectures with success. Learn more here on how to end your TEFL course ready to roll for future jobs. Having the know-how knowledge will help you be more confident in whatever you do.

Here is the full TEFL guide, with all you need to know in single post. Teaching others English really is a great and high potential self development path! It offers lots of avenues to independence, travel, exploration, and adventure. Moving to a different country is a life-changing experience. You will gain a whole new perspective on life. Expats learn that there are different ways of thinking and more than one solution to a problem. In most teaching jobs you will be able to organize your time. Weekends are usually free, and you can negotiate how many hours you want to teach each week. And there will be longer breaks between the peak times giving you time to do your lesson preparation, enjoy a good meal and explore your new home! Read extra info on here.

Undertaking a TEFL program in Spain can turn out to be one of the most exciting experiences of your life. Spain is one of the European countries with the warmest climate, although it does vary substantially from the southern to the northern part of the country. For this reason, the landscape varies greatly: from humid green woodlands and abrupt mountainous areas in the north, to dry desert areas near the sea in the south. Spain has a rich and varied cultural heritage, bequeathed by the successive waves of different peoples: Visigoths, Romans, Arabs, Jews and Christians – who at times, cohabitated and interchanged knowledge and skills, thus enriching the cultural heritage and traditions of the country. Choosing TEFL in Spain is a great idea for other reasons as well. Due to the fact that Spain is one of the European countries’ with an open borders policy within the European Union, and is in easy travelling distance to over 50 countries, this country is the ideal choice. Within a couple of hours you could be in Rome, London, Paris, Berlin… you name it. Undertaking a TEFL course abroad is definitely an experience that anyone with a zest for travelling and adventures should live.

For our spanish guests:

Asesoría de principio a fin: nuestros profesores te darán toda la información que requieras sobre becas de estudio en países de habla inglesa, cómo aplicar a las universidades y cuál es el puntaje TOEFL mínimo que necesitas. Los precios más competitivos: nuestro objetivo principal es que los alumnos tengan éxito en sus vidas, tanto a nivel académico como profesional. Por eso te ofrecemos planes con precios competitivos que puedes escoger según tus posibilidades.

Clases de TOEFL privadas: Experimenta clases de TOEFL privadas con profesores americanos nativos especializados en el examen. Es la modalidad perfecta para fortalecer la parte oral, tus habilidades de Speaking mediante clases de inglés face to face. Tú escoges los días y las horas de estudio. El costo es 30€ por hora. Por que elegir nuestros cursos de preparación TOEFL? Nuestra plataforma de cursos de inglés online es una pasada. Ponemos a tan solo un clic de distancia todas las secciones del examen TOEFL.

Sala multimedia a la vanguardia: practica cuando quieras en cualquiera de nuestras academias de inglés en Madrid. La sala de ordenadores está a tu disposición para entrenar tus habilidades de Listening, Reading, Speaking y Writing. Guías oficiales: los cursos de TOEFL en Madrid de nuestra academia de idiomas cuentan exclusivamente con las guías oficiales suministradas por ETS, los creadores del examen. Te ofrecemos acceso completo a todo el material. Encontrar extra información cursos de TOEFL en Madrid.

Al apuntarte a un curso de TOEFL online podrás: Realizar simulacros del TOEFL en tiempo real: ingresa a nuestra aula virtual y realiza test de práctica, en el mismo orden que experimentarás en la prueba real, con el cronómetro activado para emular todas sus condiciones y características. Obtener resultados al instante: el software de los cursos de TOEFL online arrojan resultados de tus prácticas de manera inmediata, con puntuaciones incluidas.