Motherhood stories

Parenting tricks with Marissa Anastasi: Just being there for the tears, talking about feelings, letting them feel and express what they’re experiencing. What a big world to learn and navigate! Strong legs. I can bounce a grumpy baby for hours! Learning to communicate with my daughter through her tantrums. I can work out what’s wrong instead of getting frustrated with her attitude. I’ve found talking to her quietly and calmly like an adult, she responds better than if I get upset too.

Get Back into Exercise at Your Own Pace. “When you’re cleared to exercise, that doesn’t mean you should jump right back in at the same pace you were before,” according to Scott. “To start, keep your fitness goals small, manageable, and realistic for you. And remember that every bit counts—whether that’s going for a walk with your family or squeezing in a quick naptime workout.” Sleep. “Sleep like you’re not going to sleep for the next three years,” Auerbach urges. “Allow people to help you. If someone offers to bring food or watch your baby so you can nap it’s most likely they’ve been in your shoes. Don’t attempt to be Superwoman. You already are. You created and birthed a baby,” she continues.

Talk to them, no, REALLY talk. Talk to your child about the things that interest them. If you have learned the language, listened to the music, listen well and have joined them on their social network, you should have plenty to talk about. Don’t say things or ask questions that cause the child to have to defend himself or herself or anything about them such as friends, music and clothing. Then again, if you don’t like something, it is OK to say that you don’t really like it. But do it in a way that is non threatening and non judgmental. Let your child know that they have an opinion and so do you. There will be times when your opinions differ, but it is OK. Discover a few extra info on Motherhood advices.

Watching your children develop and grow. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world but it’s certainly the most rewarding. The love you have for your children is the most intense love you’ll ever feel. I never quite realized how fulfilling becoming a Mom would be. I always knew I wanted children but I didn’t realize how much it would change my life, I don’t even remember what life was like before my daughter. She makes me smile every day watching her grow and learn. I love that I have created this little person who has such a beautiful nature and I hope that I can help her to be an even more beautiful woman.

My blog is really about my passions in life and my struggles and it’s probably the same for many people. I feel like I could share a lot of experiences, good and bad and blogging also gives me a platform to share moments in our ever-changing life from babies, young kids to teenagers. There’s a mixture of topics, not just motherhood but lifestyle, house design, fashion, travel. I’m passionate about supporting small businesses, especially local ones and those that are run by mums like myself, as I know first-hand how difficult this is and how much the small shops need local support to survive. If YOU have a small business and would like to collaborate, please contact me…. ALL FOR SMALL!! Find additional info on