How to obtain tons iOS installs for your software

How to get many iOS installs for your app? Your app icon is the first thing someone sees in the app store, so the design you choose is critical to your success. As users scroll through the app store, yours should pop out as eye-catching and recognizable. Make sure you use a design that serves as a clear representation of your app. It should provide as much of a clue as possible to what users will find after they install it. With that said, you should keep the app icon as straightforward as possible, and not too flashy. Simplicity is best – you don’t want it cluttered and confusing to the eye.

The layout of the iOS 12 App Store will be very similar to the previous version. However, the menu bar will include a You May Have Missed Tab – rather than giving users the full extent of content from the past seven days, the App Store will only showcase the most noteworthy apps from the week. More importantly, iOS 12 enhances the store’s personalized experience by featuring apps that are tailored to individual user preferences.

Making your app competitive. There’s millions of apps on the market, competing for success on different parameters. The big players are always going for the most creative way of promoting apps, which could be buying installs, and therefore you should do it too, in order to be competitive. See more info on Buy ios installs.

If your app is available with a pay-to-download monetization model, you can experiment with temporary price drops to drive downloads. An analysis by Distimo compared downloads and revenue data estimates for 12 games from the week of their price-drop promotion to the previous week without the promotion. The games were able to increase total global revenue by an average of 437 percent in the seven days during the price-drop promotion. Sure, this might not work for every app or game. But if you have loyal users and powerful word-of-mouth, people might jump at the opportunity to snag your app on the cheap.

Gradually increase the install quantity. We can’t guarantee how many install we’re going to push to your app, but we will push a lot. It will all start out slowly, to not make any weird and big load of installs (which Apple would notice), and only rise until we hit the satisfied rank. Keep on pushing. No matter how many installs are needed per day, we got the user base to push that many, we’ll keep on pushing more installs. Discover additional information on