Comment software for any of website

JointComments is a Disqus comment like system, a free comment solution for WordPress and non CMS websites. Adding a comment plugin to your website has many benefits, and we will discuss about them in this article.

Comments don’t always lead to traffic or engagement : When I ran my experiment, I found that some traffic did come from my comments section. But this isn’t always the case for every blog or blogger. In a 2016 report, one security firm found that 51.8% of all website traffic comes from bots. This includes good bots, like Facebook’s Newsfeed Crawler and other web crawlers that collect helpful information (like Google’s bots). But it also includes spam bots. There’s a good chance that a lot of your site traffic generated from your comments section is from bots (whose comments get blocked anyway). Another thing to consider is the widely adopted “90-9-1” rule, which states that 90% of people will have nothing to say, 9% will have something to say, and 1% will have the most to say. Essentially, 90% of the traffic coming to your site will most likely be “lurkers” who won’t comment at all. Only 1-9% of your traffic will account for the most participation. So you might have 1,000 readers for your post, but maybe only 10 who comment. Those few commenters may or may not represent your ideal audience, or they may not provide helpful feedback.

However, to figure out how much additional traffic he was receiving from those rankings, Neil took a look at the actual number of impressions and clicks that those rankings received. Overall, he found that the comments section brought in 16% of all search traffic. Neil concludes, “Comments didn’t drive as many visitors as I wanted, but considering that it’s user-generated content, it’s not that bad. It could be that Google may not be placing as much value on text created through comments or words appearing lower on a page (since comments are located below each blog post) as it does on the post itself.” I should note that Neil only analyzed 560 blog posts–so far less data than the 100,000+ blog posts from the HubSpot study–but it is interesting information nonetheless.

JointComments Blog comments help avoid spam. JointComments does a lot of work to avoid fake accounts and spammers on their site. It is but obvious that some people still manage to get through. But the good thing is compared to any other platform, I can safely say that JointComments probably has the most spam free commenting system. And the good thing is that you are not making the process of commenting any more tedious for the sake of spam avoidance. So that counts as a big plus point.

JOINT Token Rewards: JOINT is a tradable cryptocurrency which works on Ethereum blockchain. JOINT also the fuel of Joint Comments platform. Acquire traffic from other publishers. Reward your team members & writers. Hold it to get future profit from Joint Comments. Platform Features: Manage multiple websites in one dashboard, Embed anywhere (websites, static pages, ecommerce), Invite your team members as moderators, Define upvote & comment limits, Customize the widget colors and widget position, See stats of your community. Read additional details at Free Comment system for WordPress.