Online calculator to estimate the cost of a hair transplant procedure in Turkey

FUE, aka Follicular Unit Extraction, is a newly found hair transplant technique that has regularly been used in Turkey for a long period of time. In effect, the exploration of this method, FUE, has began in Turkey long before than EU and US. In the light of this fact, it is clear that Turkish doctors has an exceeding experience compared to their counterparts. Our doctors has been exercising and practising hair transplant techniques since early 2000s.

In our cosy and relaxing clinics and hospitals, our teams of doctors and nurses who are professional, experienced and knowledgeable on their fields will quarantee the best customer service from beginning to end. Do you want to know how much your hair transplant surgery will cost ? Check

Hair transplant procedures are not overnight successes. Oftentimes, the healing process can be long and arduous, and much to the patients’ dismay, the results are not immediate. It can takes months for a hair graft to fully heal and start producing hair, but there are certainly a few essential post hair transplant surgery tips that patients should adhere to in order to facilitate the healing process and prevent infections from occurring.

Receiving a hair transplant can improve your appearance and self-confidence. Good candidates for a hair transplant include: men with male pattern baldness, women with thinning hair, anyone who has lost some hair from a burn or scalp injury

Why hair transplant? Traction alopecia, This type of hair loss occurs due to exertion of external pressure on the hair which may cause it to fall. If the hair does not grow back then it would result in a bald patch. Thus you may opt for a hair transplant procedure if you suffer from this disorder and experience loss of hair.

Alternatives Hairpieces: These offer a non-surgical means of restoring hair by covering bald areas of the scalp.There is a large variety of means for attaching these. The most common are glue adhesives, “weave” attachments, and clips.

Keep in mind before hair transplant that who is the doctor ? Hair transplant specialist doctor or general doctor ?. Choose the best and well qualified doctors for hair transplant surgery because it can not be repeated. Look the before after results and testimonials on the website of the doctors while choosing right hair transplant surgeon.

Swelling can affect the eye area, so application of cold compressions would help in reducing the swelling by decreasing the blood flow in that region by constricting the tiny blood vessels present in near the eyes. But you should be careful not to apply too much cold also as it may affect the growth of new hair follicles. Avoid any vigorous physical activity as it can increase the swelling and the healing process. It can also cause bursting of the swellings resulting in blood clots and infections.

Read more on Do you ever think about how we’ve come to primp, pamper, adorn and bedazzle ourselves Throughout the centuries, different cultures hold different perceptions of beauty. Beauty rituals have existed for thousands of years, and through the ages, people have searched for the “fountain of youth”-the way to stay young forever. It is for centuries believed that the beauty starts in the face. On top of that, hair is the first noticeable part of your beauty. It enhances your personality. It’s an important part of your appearance and sets the tone for your entire look. A bad hair day is just a bad day.. The benefits of having a full-haired head are emormous. First of all, it enhances your beauty and it will give you confidence. It complements your features and make you look younger. It will make you look like professional and you will be remembered because of your hair! Fortunately, thousands of years later, beauty rituals have made their way into the modern world of beauty. However, with the immense improvements in technology, it is now possible to have a full-haired head on your top and enjoy it forever. Nowadays, a brand-new technique, called DHI, made it possible to get your lost hairs back and it will last orever! But what is it? Lets take a look at it in depth.