Second chance re-entry housing today with Positive Transition Services

Brave Heart veteran housing today by Positive Transition Services? We’ve made it – the end of the year. WOW was 2020 an eventful year for everyone.PTS has made a lot of strides and accomplishments throughout the year. We are gratefulfor all of our amazing community partners, volunteers, and graduates!One of our amazing milestones this year is to have commercial property owners that arebold and passionate enough to support our mission. They continue to join us in this fight toend homelessness IMMEDIATELY! We started out with one location and now have nine &counting– thanks to those in real estate who believed in us! And because they believed inus, we were able to provide emergency short-term and long-term supportive housing toover 115 individuals this year!!During the COVID-19 outbreak, we were able to test over 300 individuals this year andspent over $5,000 in COVID-19 supplies to keep our residents safe. We also came togetherand supported our community with the help of our PTS and medical volunteers.

Fulton County, Georgia has the highest rate of homelessness in the UnitedStates. In 2018, there was an average of 3,298 homeless individuals inFulton County per night. According to the NLCHP, a lack of affordablehousing is the primary cause of homelessness, with 1/8th of the nation’ssupply of low-income housing being permanently lost since 2001.Additionally, HUD has seen its budget slashed by over 50% in recentdecades, leading to a loss of 10,000 units of subsidized low-income housingeach year. Organizations like Positive Transition Services are fighting toend homelessness by maximizing resources and minimizing gaps byensuring that individuals can transition into lives that are meaningful andpositive through affordable housing and supportive services includingtreatment and job placement.

Positive Transition Services non-profit where we are committed to fighting to end homelessness by maximizing resources and minimizing gaps! Our #1 goal is to ensure we transition lives that are meaningful and positive through affordable housing and supportive services. The mission of Positive Transition Services is to support, advocate, and connect those in need withsupportive services that increase self-sufficient and lifelong sustainability. We provide supportivehousing with an array of comprehensive holistic services to disabled veterans, individuals withmental and/or behavioral challenges, physical disabilities, chronically homeless, and those returning from incarceration.

PTS provides free transportation emergency assistance to helpindividuals gain employment, pickup medications, make criticaldoctor appointments timely, maintain ongoing counselingservices, and recovery treatment services. We have also spent$5.000 in COVID-19 relief which has included free Uber andLyft rides to get tested. Educate and empower our residents through to process ofhelping them understand financial, credit, and debtmanagement. We also partner with local banks to assist ourresidents with obtaining checking and saving accounts.

Positive Transition Services Intern Spotlight: What do you expect to gain from this internship? My hopes are that I will gain the knowledge necessary to make me a proficient socialworker capable of handling even the most complex cases as well as serving people in away that speaks to the true nature of what social work is. Favorite part about working with PTS? My favorite part so far has been the relationships that I’ve developed during my time here.I believe firmly that good relationships are the foundation of successful outcomes. See more details at Positive Transition Services.

Financial literacy is the confluence of financial, credit and debt management and the knowledge that is necessary to make financially responsible decisions decisions that are integral to our everyday lives. Financial literacy includes understanding how a checking account works, what using a credit card really means, and how to avoid debt. While most people receive their Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) payments directly, some need assistance in managing their benefits. Payments to these individuals are paid through a representative payee who receives the check on behalf of the beneficiary and provides for their personal needs.