Top tax debt provider in US

Tax relief tips are a trendy topic in 2019. Money are a serious problem, as everyone knows. We will discuss about a few tax relief tricks finishing with the introduction of a high professional firm in US : DefenseTax.

Hold Off on Mutual Fund Purchases: People should be wary of buying mutual funds at this time of year if they will be held in a taxable account. You could get hit with a tax bill for year-end dividends even if you just purchased shares. “That’s how mutual funds work, but people don’t realize it,” says Joanna Powell, managing director in the Boston office of accounting firm CBIZ MHM. To avoid paying additional taxes, consult with a broker before making a purchase to find out when distributions are made.

Moving expense to take first job: Here’s an interesting dichotomy: Job-hunting expenses incurred while looking for your first job are not deductible, but moving expenses to get to that first job are. And you get this write-off even if you don’t itemize. If you moved more than 50 miles, you can deduct 23 cents per mile of the cost of getting yourself and your household goods to the new area, (plus parking fees and tolls) for driving your own vehicle. However, beginning in 2018, moving expenses are no longer deductible for federal taxes unless you are in the military and the move is due to military orders. Some states such as California continue to provide this tax benefit. See more details at Wage garnishment.

Employers are typically notified of a wage garnishment via a court order or IRS levy. They must comply with the garnishment request, and typically start withholding and remitting payment as soon as the order is received. IRS wage garnishment and levy paperwork will walk you through the steps of completing the wage garnishment. Paperwork should also include any relevant contact information, which you should not hesitate to use if you have any questions. This is certainly one scenario where it’s in your best interest to contact many people rather than attempt to guess and create possible errors.

Defense Tax Group is a focused tax relief advocate firm that strives to protect you and your family from the devastating effects of looming tax debt. We specialize in settling tax debt, preventing and ending wage garnishments, eliminating bank levies and averting property seizures. We will fight to ensure your financial stability and help you enjoy life free from tax debt anxiety. Effective representation is crucial in any lawsuit, especially when dealing with a multi-billion dollar corporation like the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS and State Tax Boards are the most powerful entities in the country; yet you still have rights and can defend those rights to preserve your livelihood. Source :