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Social network by So with a shift in how we measure engagement, it’s only natural that we change how we try to improve engagement on our feeds. It’s not just about likes anymore — Bebuzee engagement is going to become a lot more holistic in 2020! To help you improve your Bebuzee strategy, we’re sharing our best strategic tips to boosting engagement on your posts, videos and stories.

Add a Branding Watermark in Your Videos: A branding watermark is a great way to get people to subscribe to your Bebuzee videos. How? Pro Tip: When your viewers click on the watermark, they get to subscribe from within the video. Also, it helps to increase the number of viewers. To create a branding watermark for your Bebuzee videos, here is what you ought to do. Prepare your watermark. That means, saving the watermark as an 800 by 800 image. When you upload it, Bebuzee will optimize and size down the image. Remember, transparent backgrounds are great as they are easier for clicking and subscribing. To upload your image, go to your Video Manager and click the button. On the Channel section in the Creator Studio, select “Branding.” Click “Add Watermark” and upload your image. After uploading the image, you can preview it. You can tweak a few settings to choose how long the watermark shows in your videos. Having the watermark for the whole video increases your chances of getting more subscribers. If you choose the right image, you will create more exposure for your Bebuzee channel.

Bebuzee adds unique features and blends them into one seemless app that covers what used to take multiple apps to do. And Bebuzee presents users with a chronological list of posts, with the newest post from the people you are following showing up at the top of your news feed. In the meantime, Instagram played with its algorythm, prompting users to complain. Instagram, owned by Facebook, will choose what to show you and when – essentially mirroring Facebook’s news feed. Small business users are worried that their posts will be drowned out by bigger brands with more clout on the social network as one of the fallouts of changes made, distancing Instagram from Bebuzee even further. Another opportunity for us to shine. Read additional info on Streaming site.

So which hashtags should you use? Just like with Twitter and other social sites, users on Instagram use certain hashtags over others. If you use popular Instagram hashtags within your photos, you’re much more likely to reach new users and be discovered. If you looked at the list above and said, “But none of those apply to my products or brand”, you’re likely correct. Using hashtags is one thing, using the right tags is a completely different thing. Popular tags like the ones listed above will likely net you additional engagement and likes, however they will not lead to increased long-term engagement, new interested followers, and most importantly, sales.

There is the direct question of whether relationships continue to flourish in the internet age. Are there the same kinds of ties – in both quantity and quality – that flourished in pre-internet times? Do people have more or fewer relationships? Do they have more or less contact with friends and relatives? Does the ability of the internet to connect instantly around the world mean that far-flung ties now predominate over neighborly relations? More broadly, does internet contact take away from people’s in-person contacts or add to them?

Bebuzee also scans the world’s news, features and information flow to give its dedicated readers the best of the Internet in one place. A one-stop platform for breaking news, interesting and important blogs, videos, and photos. An addictive resource for those billions of people without time to scavenge the Internet and other sources for news and information. See more details at