Motherhood tricks

Parenting stories by Marissa Anastasi: Be easier on yourself. Know that some days you can’t do it all. I’m a stay at home Mom but I consider it my job to keep my kids and hubby happy, healthy and keep up with the house. Honestly, I’m still trying to find the right balance, but being easy on myself and knowing that some days I cannot do it all is okay. Some days the kids are happy and we went somewhere fun but we have frozen pizza for dinner and some days the kids watch three movies in a row so that I can catch up on laundry and prepare a healthy dinner.

Understand That the Parent-Child Bond Is a Relationship like All Others. “It takes work. Lots of it, so expect that there will be times when it feels hard to connect [with your child] or that you need to work through some issues,” says Kelly and Perren. “Meditation and reflection are really helpful tools for this, as is leaning on your mom friends as all mothers go through this with their kids,” they advise. “Sometimes, although you have it in you, you just need a little guidance to get back on track,” the founders add. Expect that there will be times when it feels hard to connect [with your child] or that you need to work through some issues.

Keep an open door policy. Let your child know that they can come to you at any time to talk about anything. This is important for developing and maintaining a good parent/teen relationship. When they come to you with something, stop and take the time to listen to them, talk to them and connect with them. If you want any relationship to work, it requires time, energy and effort. The relationship between a child and parent does not automatically occur, it must be cultivated. In order to cultivate it properly, your child must feel that they can come to you at any time for anything. See a few extra info at Parenting advices.

Watching your children develop and grow. Being a parent is the hardest job in the world but it’s certainly the most rewarding. The love you have for your children is the most intense love you’ll ever feel. I never quite realized how fulfilling becoming a Mom would be. I always knew I wanted children but I didn’t realize how much it would change my life, I don’t even remember what life was like before my daughter. She makes me smile every day watching her grow and learn. I love that I have created this little person who has such a beautiful nature and I hope that I can help her to be an even more beautiful woman.

My blog is really about my passions in life and my struggles and it’s probably the same for many people. I feel like I could share a lot of experiences, good and bad and blogging also gives me a platform to share moments in our ever-changing life from babies, young kids to teenagers. There’s a mixture of topics, not just motherhood but lifestyle, house design, fashion, travel. I’m passionate about supporting small businesses, especially local ones and those that are run by mums like myself, as I know first-hand how difficult this is and how much the small shops need local support to survive. If YOU have a small business and would like to collaborate, please contact me…. ALL FOR SMALL!! Read a few more details at