Effects of art and technology synergy these days with Jarábik Barbara : Technologies are similar around the world, but they have encountered a diversified cognitive world in different localities. The local culture acquires the modern technologies, makes them acceptable to the existing culture, then sends them back to the global level in a continuous exchange of intercultural influences and in constant transformation. Technology has become integral because it’s not merely the technology of lights and computers that are used in everyday life. But, also, our bodies are physically altered through vaccines and the medicine people take daily. Technology is incorporated into all aspects of culture, including travel, government, agriculture, manufacturing, medicine, education, and transportation. In addition to information processing, and communication platforms have drastically changed how people think and live.
Technology plays a crucial role to strengthen interpersonal connection. It has contributed in the sector of health, transportation, electricity, etc. to all the demographic factors of society eg: Modern farming replaced primitive farming allowing increased crops, less time investment, etc. Technology should be oriented towards positive social change. Hence, technology should be developed to design digital ways to connect us not only to each other but to promote our values, to respect each other, and to encourage innovation as we develop a place for ourselves in the 21st century.
People normally react to new technology in a very strange way and say that there is something wrong, but in due course of time people start adapting that technology, and then technology starts getting inspired by the way a person, community or culture thinks (Rip, 1995). Initially, when Walkman was launched we saw that many people argued that it would make an individual away from the social world and give them time to concentrate on his own pleasure, which would make him or her away from the society. Later we observe that people adapted a Walkman (Gay, 1997) and further new solutions like I pod & mp3 players were made.
It’s important to stay updated about what’s going on in the world, but how do you get your news? My grandparents got their news from reading the newspaper, or by interaction with other people. While my parents were able to watch TV, and follow the news daily. Today, I get the news at any time on my smartphone and via the Internet. This evolution is all due to the advancements of technology that is gradually shaping our culture and society. Read additional details on Barbara Jarabik.
Technology is slowly getting integrated into various cultures. For example, in the ancient culture, people used to light their houses by using candles, or reflecting mirrors (Schivelbusch, 1995) but with the advent of technology like a fluorescent bulb we see that initially it was spread to some section of the society, but in a period of time, many cultures have got used to it and integrated the use of bulbs for light. The basic technology would have advanced from fluorescent to LED, this can even be seen in the source of energy from coal to diesel to Hydro to other nonrenewable sources of energy, but the basic technology has integrated into many cultures and society.