Top rated motivational business leadership guides with Ola Olu Sasore

Excellent executive business leadership recommendations from Olaolu Sasore? Human resource management-Human resource management training would help reduce your staff turnover at 70% and will result in 300% reduction in staff turnover. Customer retention would improve by 5% with the help of this particular training program. Personal development-your employees are your real asset. If you invest in personal development training program, you can increase their productivity by 5.2%. Overall company productivity would increase by 21%.

Self education is very important if you want to obtain great business success! Don’t forget you’re the leader! So behave as such. Remember all the things that did not suit the boss from the previous job and do not do it! Be an example, a role model for others and make yourself enjoyable. Although sometimes you will have to make decisions that will not please everyone or maybe even employees will disappoint you, opt for a professional attitude and not a severe one. Talk to them calmly and patiently and explain to them what the problems are and what solutions you have. It builds, therefore, a very good relationship with all the staff, to be appreciated and rewarded as such, on a personal level. Once you make the decision to open your own business you will need to invest a great deal of time and energy in its development, so it is very important that you enjoy what you do and find satisfaction in the activity you carry out.

Top entrepreneur leadership recommendations by Ola Olu Sasore: Productivity/motivation – Self-awareness can increase your productivity. Becoming aware of your strengths and weaknesses can encourage you to produce higher quality work – seeing improvement in yourself can give you a little confidence boost and motivate you to achieve more! Self-awareness can also guide you to develop your weaknesses into strengths For example, a poor attitude can be turned into a positive one – this can be achieved by recognising the impact and consequences of your attitude and how it can affect others around you. It’s certainly not easy, but becoming more aware of how others respond to or absorb your mood/behaviour may encourage you to control it – or even turn it into a positive attitude in order to encourage others in the workplace! This should give you the drive that you need to become more productive and work harder to achieve your personal goals.

Visualisation is a really common technique for behavioural change. By imagining yourself acting in new ways, you prepare your mind for acting that way in the future. For example, if you want to go to the gym more often, imagine yourself getting into your car and driving to the gym as well as imagining your workout in as much detail as possible. Showers can be a really good time for reflection. Use this time to count your blessings and be grateful. If you are feeling happy and positive about your desires, and you are constantly motivated in your thinking, then you are already applying the Law of Attraction and Manifestation. If you are experiencing or imagining what you desire now, you are obviously happy about it. If you are anxious, worried and unhappy, then at these moments you are using the Law of Attraction in the wrong way. Then you are attracting the things you don’t want in life.

Best leadership tips with Ola Olu Sasore : You will also come across clients who are already working with a psychotherapist. They already know when an issue is psychotherapeutic and when it is a coaching issue. As you develop your practice it will be very clear when it is time to refer an issue to a therapist or to a more expert coach. This is an essential distinction for you in your practice of coaching. It is strongly suggested that you provide yourself with ongoing coaching from an expert coach to continually grow yourself as a coach and grow yourself personally.