Very good aromatherapy essential oil online shopping in China right now

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UK health supplement brand “Specialist Supplements” was founded in 1995. It launches various supplements specialized in Colon Care, digestive aid, probiotics, Cleanse & Detox etc. Each formula can be suitable for different needs. Green Stem products are created in the UK to guarantee you the highest quality and purity in all our products. We believe that it is fast becoming an important addition to improve anyone’s life and we are committed to investing in research and growing our product portfolio, to make it accessible to everyone. Our Remedy is a healthcare brand from the UK for period problems by someone who truly understands.

Many essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antiviral, antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-fungal properties that help to boost your immune system and fight infections. The chemical substances found in the oils, such as terpenes, esters, phenolics, ethers and ketones, have the potential to fight foreign pathogens that can threaten your health. Some of the best essential oils for your immunity include oregano, myrrh, ginger, lemon, eucalyptus, frankincense, peppermint (or Mentha piperita) and cinnamon. Studies have shown that essential oils effectively destroy several fungal, viral and bacterial pathogens, including methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, Helicobacter pylori and Candida albicans infections. Because antibiotic resistance is becoming such a major threat in modern health care, using these oils as a form of independent or combination therapy can help to fight bacterial infections in a safer and more natural way.

ProBio MAX is a multi-strain combination of 8 live cultures, providing 20 billion viable organisms per capsule (see below). With no added sugars, artificial flavourings or colourings, this food supplement provides an alternative to sugary yoghurts and yoghurt drinks containing live cultures. In fact, it provides the equivalent of 40 tubs of probiotic yoghurt, but without the sugar, dairy and calories. Micro-encapsulated for acid resistance, this live bacteria biotic has been specifically formulated for natural health practitioners who treat digestive and intestinal disorders. It is ideal for use following antibiotics, travelling abroad and colonic hydrotherapy treatment.

For our chinese visitors:

精油由非常小的分子组成,可以穿透您的细胞,精油中的一些化合物甚至可以穿过血脑屏障。它们不同于来自大分子的脂肪油(如蔬菜或坚果中的脂肪油),因为它们不能穿透您的细胞,因此它们的治疗方式不同。那么,您准备好利用世界上最成熟的天然治疗化合物的力量了吗?有一些荷尔蒙精油可以帮助平衡您的雌激素、黄体酮、皮质醇、甲状腺和睾酮水平。一些油,如快乐鼠尾草、天竺葵和百里香,有助于平衡体内雌激素和黄体酮的水平,从而改善不孕症和多囊卵巢综合征等疾病,以及经前综合症和更年期症状。 2017 年发表在 Neuro Endocrinology Letters 上的一篇文章指出,天竺葵和玫瑰可以影响女性唾液中雌激素的浓度。这可能对因雌激素分泌水平下降而出现更年期症状的女性有所帮助。某些油还能够降低皮质醇水平,这有助于改善情绪和减轻抑郁症状,并提高睾酮水平,从而提高男性的性欲。

英國優質CBD護膚品牌Green Stem,旨在提供最優質的CBD產品,令顧客有更好的生活質素。 我們採用美國科羅拉多有機大麻種植,提煉出最純淨、最有療效的CBD油,絶不含THC及其他雜質,並保證合符香港法例要求。 英國保健品牌Specialist Supplement超級益生菌,每粒有200億益生菌,高達8種優質益生菌,全面改善腸道、便秘、排便不順、腸胃不適、整腸肚痾。產品獲醫生選用,功效獲得肯定。 在此网站上查看 更多信息

ProBio MAX 是 8 种活培养物的多菌株组合,每个胶囊提供 200 亿个活生物体(见下文)。这种食品补充剂不添加糖、人造香料或色素,是含活菌的含糖酸奶和酸奶饮料的替代品。事实上,它提供相当于 40 桶益生菌酸奶的量,但不含糖、乳制品和卡路里。这种活菌生物微胶囊具有抗酸性,专为治疗消化和肠道疾病的自然健康从业者配制。非常适合在服用抗生​​素、出国旅游和结肠水疗治疗后使用。 杏仁油来源于中国北部、喜马拉雅地区和印度北部。它富含必需脂肪酸、油酸和亚油酸,以渗透皮肤的能力而闻名,不会留下油腻的感觉。杏仁还具有保湿和振兴的特性,这使其在脱水、娇嫩、老化、敏感或发炎皮肤的产品中很受欢迎。

羅馬洋甘菊精油 睡前足部按摩 — 羅馬洋金菊精油 日間的忙碌有時候讓我們精神緊張,不能安眠。與羅馬洋金菊精油一起回憶簡單、美好的童年時光,其平和的香氣讓您沉醉在無憂無慮的美夢。使用方法 將1滴羅馬洋金菊精油添加到足部乳霜中,按摩您疲勞的雙腳!您亦可為雙腳磨砂,同時感恩生活,讓寧靜的時刻變得更甜美和珍貴。乳香精油 尋找片刻寧靜 — 乳香精油 完成一整天忙碌的工作,您只希望馬上衝上床睡覺?但在這之前,不如以正確的方式犒賞自己吧!睡前花幾分鐘擴香乳香精油,讓您在漫長的一天結束前解脫束縛,身心豁然開朗,睡眠品質亦會隨之昇華。 使用方法 徹底放鬆是尋找内心的平靜最有效的方法。當您進行簡單的瑜伽動作時,擴香乳香精油,放鬆您的身體。或將這深層的香氣塗抹在胸口,讓您的思緒放空。 在此网站上阅读更多详细信息 香薰精油品牌.