Print on demand publishing guides

Book publishing advices for unknown and established authors? Get Your Book Edited: Professional editing is a must. No book is perfect, but editorial assistance can help you get a lot closer. There are a lot of different kinds of edits, so be sure you know which you need before you hire an editor. Developmental editors check your book for flow and consistency. They suggest revisions when something about the language doesn’t seem right. Copyeditors correct spelling mistakes and adjust grammar. Editors are necessary in the self-publishing process.

Host an autograph party: Send out invitations and flyers in advance to advertise the release of your book. Arrange speaking engagements: Offer to speak for free as an expert in your field and subject matter, and sell copies of your book afterward. This could be at a local library, community college or coffee house. Enter Competitions: Check out the Writer’s Digest International Self-Publishing Book Awards, (Independent Publisher Book Awards) Ippy Awards or the Ben Franklin Awards sponsored by IBPA, The Independent Book Publisher’s Association.

Write a lot, now. As Hugh Howey, author of the best-selling Wool series, explainedone of his self-publishing tips in a post on his website, he didn’t get to work right away promoting his first book once it was published. Instead, he just wrote more and more: This is going to sound strange, but you are MUCH better off with your 10th work exploding than your 1st work. You’ll never have quiet time to crank out quality material ever again. And when your backlist matches the growth of your first breakout, you’ll do very well for yourself. Be patient. It’s been said by many others, but I’ll repeat it here: self-publishing is a marathon, not a sprint. is a licensed and approved Apple Application Developer. We were one of the first companies to obtain many of the Microsoft certifications to include being a Microsoft Solution Provider. Whatever your target audience consists of First Edition Design Publishing will guide you in obtaining the largest audience possible – Local, State, National or International. Currently accepting manuscripts in English, Spanish, French, etc. ( over 20 languages total ), First Edition Design Publishing currently maintains clients in 48 countries and accepts over 17 currencies. Find more info at

What better way to market your book than with these great products. Professionally created and printed sell sheets, bookmarks, postcards, business cards, posters, etc. All come with full color custom graphic design. Package deals available for additional savings. NEW – Now offering Press Release services and Author Spotlight Interviews. Our marketing pros will write, release and distribute for one low cost. Please email us for a custom quote on marketing items that are not listed on our packages page. We offer optimized web sites under a custom domain built around you and your book. Each web site created includes a FREE one year license on the domain name. Ask about our “book graphics” for use on your web site or signature line. Looking for reviews? – We have an awesome program for you! Check out our NetGalley Program on the ‘PACKAGES’ page.